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A Little Off Course - but Relevant Just the Same.

Okay. So I use Entertaining Affairs to post my articles and work to build a portfolio for myself so when I try and acquire a job in the future, I'll have proof I've actually had practice! Lately, as you can tell I've been mainly sticking to music and concert reviews, which is what I want to do. My only issue is that I'm not really getting the experience of interviews and I'm forgetting what I've done in the past, so I decided to change that.

For the past few years or so I've become aware and a big supporter of Skate4Cancer and all it's affiliates. I believe that the foundation and it's owner, the one and only Rob Dyer, is a smart way to reach the younger generations and inform them of all the risks of cancer. Far too often you find teens and kids overlooking the dangers of cancer because they feel that they are too young and therefore they shouldn't have to worry about looking for any suspicious signs. This company is a great way to promote cancer awareness, but as of right now, my respect ends right there.

I have, for the better part of three days now, been trying to contact Rob, and/or anybody else that's involved with the S4C. All I wanted to do was send a few questions. All I wanted to do was ask more about what S4C is all about and how people can participate. All I wanted to do was ask about upcoming projects like the drop-in centre being opened in Toronto, or how Rob's injury is holding up, or even what techniques people can use to detect cancer lumps. I'm not one if those writers who'll ask you what type of underwear you prefer, or your favourite ice cream. That's not the type of writing I was taught to do in school and frankly it's a little childish if you ask me.

I recently read an interview Rob did with Pink Mafia blog that asked questions that were simply...simple. Nothing that would give readers viable information that would help them in the future. That's not what I wanted. All I wanted to do was give a little more light to S4C and their cause because it's something people should hear about. The website I write for on a regular basis has a wide audience that's read all over the world. If it's promoted enough a lot of people can read it and become more aware.

I guess what it really boils down to is the fact that nobody gave me the decency to return any of my messages. The emails on the website don't work - I tried all THREE*.  So I tried a message on Facebook, and again no response. Next came Twitter and then finally a video chat which allows fans to ask questions and gain more information. Do you think I got in contact with him there? NO. I've officially given up and I think it's a little disrespectful to fully ignore someone who is trying to help a greater cause. I'm not upset at what the cause is promoting - as clearly stated. I'm upset at the fact that after trying over and over for three days, I get no response and no inkling that anybody even read what I've emailed/posted.

Please. The last time I try and help.

*Now, I've noticed recently that the website got updated, so maybe the emails did as well, but as of right now, I think it's pointless to even try again.


(photo courtesy of blurasis,


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