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Mat McHugh to Play at the Drake Hotel Tonight Sept 06

photo courtesy of Mat McHugh
Okay ladies if you're willing to open your ears, you need to check out a very sexy Aussie man who goes by the name of Mat McHugh. When I was listening to his EP what came to mind was a mixture of Michael Buble and Maroon Five. I know it's a little bit of an odd mixture but with his smooth vocals and likable lyrics, it was hard not to put two and two together. *random thought* After I finished listening to more of his music, I also found that he sounded a little like 100 Monkeys when they did they're slower songs. Maybe I'm crazy, but maybe not.

The acoustic guitar is subtle but very well played and the vocals are nice. I like the nice, relaxed feeling I got when I was listening to the music...and after the stressful end of the day I had, that's saying something for sure!

He's also the front man of the Australian band The Beautiful Girls, which also has a similar sound to what he is doing with his solo work and tour. His EP "Go Don't Stop" was released in June of this year with the expected release of his full length album to follow.

“I want to contribute to the musical landscape in 2011 by making something more about feelings and
emotions than it is about musical cleverness,” McHugh says in his biography.

If you feel like learning more about Mat or his band Beautiful girls check out their websites:

Be sure you check Mat McHugh and The Beautiful Girls out!


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