We all know by now that this is months behind but time got the best of me and I just kept getting further and further behind on EVERYTHING. I'm super sorry as I know how excited you all are to read about my experiences at this year's first annual CMT Music Festival!
As you all know by now (and if not, browse through my blog and you will know) that I tend to listen to a variety of music that doesn't stick to a specific genre. Growing up I was primarily exposed to country. My first "celebrity" crush was Billy Ray Cyrus (there must have been something about that mullet...) and I definitely had an "Achy-Breaky Heart". Nowadays I tend to stick towards top 40 and indie rock music but being a true country girl at heart, I always end up tuning into the country stations every now and then and get a taste of the new and the comfort of the songs I grew up with. And despite what most people think, today's country isn't as "twangy" and "whiny" as it may have been in the past and it has actually become quite popular with younger generations.
The CMT Music Festival, hosted at Burl's Creek Park in Oro Station Ontario this past August was a perfect cushion to fall back on. The three day festical was packed full of top country talent, thousands of campers and sunny skies. Country Music Television, better known as CMT, along with major sponsors (e.g. Budweiser, Nashville North, and Best Buy) threw together an incredible weekend for all who attended. Well organized, professional and with very few flaws, they pulled off an event that is going to keep people coming back year after year. While it's only in it's infancy (this was their FIRST festival after all), the entire weekend went rather smooth from all levels. The stage was sturdy, the beer tent and food vendors were plentiful and the the weather was beyond anything anyone could have asked for. The even staff, volunteers and security were friendly and knowledgeble without being cocky and forceful (trust me, I've met my fair share). Overall, as a lover of music and a guest to the event as a reviewer, I had a great time and look forward to next year's extravaganza.
I do have to admit though, if I had ANYTHING to complain about, and I ANYTHING, it would have to be the Porta-Potties. I know I know, it's a festival, what do I expect? Let's just say I was happy to see a real toilet (with toilet paper!) by the end of the weekend!
-Taryn and Dianne