March 14, 2010 was the first time I’d ever stepped foot into The Tattoo Rock Parlour on Queen St. West in Toronto. The lighting was low, the music was loud and the crowd was just right. There were no mosh pits, no dirty drugs, and no crazy fans trying to push to get to the front. The overall vibe was cool, laid back and the excitement was through the roof. Every single person in the room was waiting for 100 Monkeys. The band that hails all the way from L.A., who I’m fairly sure hasn’t had any Toronto or Canadian (besides Vancouver) dates since their creation, were the one thing they were all waiting for. The anticipation was high.
And you could feel it.
Now, we all know that 100 Monkeys aren’t exactly mainstream, nor will they really ever be. With their unique sound and stage presence, this is one band that you won’t see win a radio award for most played song.
Nonetheless, they are the most original, unique and inspiring group of musicians I’ve heard in a very long time.
The band consists of five members: Jerad, Jackson Rathbone (yes ladies, he IS the one and only Jasper Hale as seen in the ever popular Twilight), the two Bens (Ben G and Ben J) and finally Uncle Larry. Each of the guys bring a distinctly different personality to the stage but somehow manage to co-mingle and become synchronized as one when it comes to their music. It’s something that can’t be described. I was impressed beyond belief and frankly, once the music started, you forgot who Jackson was and you just heard the music.
I was blown out of the water. Their music on their current CD Grape (Seedless), as well as their former EPs, do not do them justice. Don’t get me wrong, the music on the CDs are fantastic but they have this aura on stage and it’s unbelievably compelling and alluring. Their stage presence is in a league of its own and even when you could see the exhaustion in their eyes, they still carried on as if they had all the energy in the world.
With the set list including Ugly Girl, Gus, Looker, The Monkey Song, Wings On Fire, and Orson Brawl , they played a wide variety of songs that made you want to dance and sway to the music. Ben G has an an incredible voice that’s powerful and magnetic, while Jerad’s suave style gives him that cool edge. Jackson’s personality and voice wouldn’t be considered as normal but all the same it was extremely charming. Ben J is quiet and laid back, but don’t let that fool you and Uncle Larry, who was adopted as the “Monkeys Uncle” was yet another element in this very unique band.
What caught my attention was the fact that they alternated instruments for each song. You would find Ben G playing the lead guitar one song, and next he’d be on bongo and chime duty. Jackson was all over the place playing guitar, bass, drums, keys, and finally the trumpet. There was no end to the talent that seeped out of this group. If counted correctly, by the end of the show there were eight different instruments - yes, eight.
The final thing I’d like to point out about themselves as a group, is their improv skills. At every venue they perform at the band asks the audience what they should sing about, and who should sing it. The topic this time around? Dental floss. Jackson was chosen to sing the blues about dental floss. With not even a minute to spare, he started belting out a song that went on for a good five minutes. I think that anybody who can do improv, and do it well, has talent. To be able to do it in front of an audience, and create music to go along with the words, is pure genius. I think that it was one of the best parts of the night!
Overall, the night was a success. Maybe the success at this year’s CMW showcase will show them how passionate their Canadian fans are and will prompt them to do more shows in the Great White North!
For more information about the Tattoo Rock Parlour or 100 Monkeys please visit the following links:
For a video of The Dental Floss song please visit my YouTube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xK7elYie_cY
Written by: Taryn McElheran Originally posted March 15, 2010 on www.sugarcainentertainment.com)
photo courtesy of Taryn McElheran
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