I was a hardcore fan club member and remember being stoked to receive my package in the mail with my official button, signed photo and an info book among other things. It was the highlight of my year. A distinct memory that pops up in my mind constantly was when I heard on the radio (at that time it was Kiss 92.5 the BEST country station I've ever heard...and nothing really compares to it still) that Shania Twain was going to be at the Canadian National Exhibition for Fan Appreciation Day. She wasn't even performing but fans could gather at the National Bandshell and see the wonderfully talented, CANADIAN, international sensation. I begged my mom for weeks to take me because I just HAD to see her. She always said 'maybe' leading up to the actual day before she actually said yes! I was thrilled! We spent the hot august day waiting for her to show up and woo the crowd with her charm, brilliant smile and extremely positive attitude. I can even remember her starting up the crowd to sing along with one of her songs. I was in complete awe. At the end of the event on stage fans had the opportunity to go up on stage and meet the superstar and get her to sign anything they wished. We stood in line for almost 3 hours that day...before my 9 (maybe 10) year-old-self chickened out. I couldn't do it! I was too scared to finally meet my idol. And I've regretted it everyday.
It's now 16 years later and the opportunity rose again to meet the woman who made me love music. At first I thought it would be near impossible as I was sure hundreds upon hundreds of fans would be in line days before just to get a wristband to meet this wonderful woman. But I took a chance, woke up extremely early on Monday morning and trekked it to Toronto to get in line. I made it to the Indigo Book Store at the Manulife Centre at the early hour of 6:20 am and would spend the next 12 hours conversing with fellow Shania fans, meeting new friends and having an absolutely amazing experience.
The actual book signing went by in a flash and although it only took moments to say hello and get my book signed I was in complete awe. It took years (literally!) to meet my childhood idol but it finally came true! She was every bit as humble, sweet and incredibly gorgeous as the pictures and t.v. appearances portrayed. Her smile was wide and genuine and although she'd been up since 5am doing press all over the city, she still had the energy and emotion as if she had a relaxing day. The crowd was just as happy to be there to show their support to their favourite Canadian and it showed.
Check out this video done by TorontoHD! From about 2:12 onwards you'll see me talking to Shania and getting my book signed! (Ignore my hair, it was a looooooooooong day!)
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