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U.S.S. at S.C.E.N.E.fest 2011

The first thing that comes to mind when describing U.S.S. is crazy. Up until this year's S.C.E.N.E.fest I had only ever heard of their crazy antics they got up to while on stage. This two man band has insane amounts of energy and they definitely know how to pump up a crowd. Ash (vocals/guitar), and Human Kabob (vocals/dj) have a unique blend of techniques that create an amazing combination of alternative and rock.

While I have never listened  to their music beforehand, I was definitely enthralled.  I was amazed at the consistency and their ability to get everybody pumped up for a good hour or more. And even though I didn't know any of the lyrics, I found myself repeating a lot of what they sang.

Headlining the Marketplace stage this year, they are definitely starting to create an impact on the Canadian music scene.  With their constant touring, exposure on the radio and their two album releases, they are starting to become more and more well known. It makes me proud to hear great Canadian talent on the radio and making themselves known to greater audiences.

If you haven't heard their music I suggest you look them up now! And then you need to find out where they are performing near you and then check them out!

You can find U.S.S. on their website, facebook and even twitter!

That's it for now!



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