Social networking is an amazing tool when it comes to getting the word out to a large amount of people in a short amount of time. It's amazing at how fast people come together when they feel passionate about a topic or outraged at an outcome.
I am a supporter in all equality, in all aspects of life. As a woman I'm instantly "downgraded" because of my sexual organs. Indian people are instantly "downgraded" because of where they came from. Gay people are instantly "downgraded" because they prefer the opposite sex. In a world that constantly promotes equality and love, you still see cases where there wasn't ENOUGH equality and there wasn't ENOUGH love. Bullies of all ages are more prominent than ever and while people are vowing to take a stand, you still see people of all ages suffering the consequences.
I came across this video created by Shane on facebook today. It was only posted yesterday but it's gotten more than 50,000 views and it keeps growing. While his video is only 10 minutes long, it breaks my heart to the core. It saddens me that while Shane's family was estatic that Shane had found the love of his life, Tom wasn't so lucky. It saddens me that in a world with SO much diversity and colour that his family would rather beat up on him than accept him for his true self. They couldn't take the time to see that Tom was HAPPY.
What's even worse is while Shane was grieving, he was kept from Tom's funeral, was banished from knowing anything of Tom's death, and was pretty much just erased.
So if you support #EqualLoveEqualRights then watch this and pass it on. Even if it's just to five people. Those five people will hopefully show it to five more. A little goes a long way in the world of the internet and hopefully one of these days something positive will come out of this.
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