SCENE is a 12+ hour affair that starts at noon and continues into the wee hours of the morning. Hosting bands from all over the province, Canada and even some from the States, there is always a band and/or venue that will have something for everybody's ears. Canadian favourites Down With Webster made an appearance for the third time in Scene history and they did one heck of a show.
Here's a list and a short review of who I managed to catch at this year's S.C.E.N.E. festival 2012:
First up was Wesley James good ol' Saint Catharines, Ontario. Not originally on my list to check out, I was pleasantly surprised when I checked him and his band out. At first listen he kind of reminded me of an edgier Illscarlett (see review below) but after listening for awhile he began to create his own sound (in my mind). With a bit of everything mixed in, it's hard to specify a certain genre of music. With everything from Dub, Ska, and Rock to a little bit of Folk and then some. What was easy to determine though was the passion he felt towards his music and performances. He even had family in the crowd that was bouncing along to the music and looked just as proud. James and his band is definitely work having a listen! Check them out on Facebook or on his website to get more information and hear some music!
We mainly stuck around the main stage this year as it was easiest and where most of the action was happening. Next up we enjoyed the musical talent of Care Failure and her band Die Mannequin (@DMannequin). Girl fronted bands are more common than most people think and they usually pack a powerful punch when it comes to the words and music performed on stage. Care was no different and she managed to wow her audience with her powerful chords and stage presence. Her sexy rough-edged voice mixed with her sharp and angst-filled lyrics made for an interesting performance. After being dropped from their former label Warner, they had reason to let out their emotions in their music. Mixing it up with old favourites with new songs off their recently released EP Danceland, Ms. Failure and her band made a great way to start off this year's 17th Annual S.C.E.N.E. Music Festival! Check out Die Mannequin's Facebook page to find out more info on the band!
With a couple of hours to spare on the main stage, we wandered the downtown streets of St. Catharine's and found a band that went by the name of Searching for Satellites at the wonderful Red Hot Chili Pepper. While not a band I normally listen too, I was intrigued by their name and their style of music. A mix of singing and screaming, it was a combination that seems to be popular with the younger crowds. I definitely enjoyed the show and thought they did a the combination of singing and screaming quite well. Didn't help that they were quite the lookers either!
We then made are way over to Rockford's. A tiny bar that barely fits in the band let alone the fans, but all the same is still cozy and intimate. I've been listening to Brighter Brightest (@BrightrBrightst) on and off for the last couple of years and I've always liked what I've heard. The last time I saw them they were heading a Skate4Cancer event in my hometown. They even went as far as showing us ladies how to do a self-breast exam. Amazing right? Anyways, their catchy upbeat songs are the big reason why I enjoy their music and watching them perform. Playing new songs off their recently released album Right for Me like "Everyday" and "Right for Me" while still keeping it real by mixing it in with old favourites and probably the best cover ever of Wave's "California". I don't know about you but part of my childhood consisted of listening to Wave on repeat. That was a great blast from the past! You can catch Brighter Brightest on their "Tourlympics" tour this summer across Canada! For more information be sure to check out their Facebook page!
Before the next choice band, we had some time to spare so we searched out the world famous Smokes Poutinery and decided to eat some delicious Canadian staple food. We then went to support our lovely friends of Illscarlett while they tried to raise some money Busking for Change for Warchild - a wonderful charity that helps children in war torn countries all over the world. As per usual they were pretty damn good. I have to say I do enjoy them being acoustic. Then again, I think I enjoy every band more when they're doing acoustic. Call me crazy but I think it's sexy.
Rockford's seemed to be my only other choice venue this time around. Winnipeg band Take Me To The Pilot (@TMTTP) were performing and I could NOT miss it. A friend of mine introduced me to this band a few years ago and it's taken me that long in order to see them perform. I missed them by a hair at last year's CMW and that was only because they had a super late (or super early?) set time at 2 a.m. These guys have a special, airy like quality when it comes to their vocals and it captivates me every time I listen. Their songs are upbeat (even when sad) and I can't help but enjoy every aspect of their performance. I also managed to pick up their newly released EP What Makes You and it`s definitely one to listen to. The performance itself was flawless and even though they were probably on the tiniest stage possible they still managed to make a great time out of it and their Ontario fans definitely didn`t complain. While singing new songs off of their seven song EP, they also sang favourites like "Call the Cops", "I Was Alive for 15 Days in the 80s" and my personal fave "Green Eyes". They also managed to play off of their pals in Brighter Brightest and did their own version of Wave's "California" as well!
Down With Webster (@DOWNWITHWEBSTER) has been around for more than a couple of years. they started off as a basement band where nobody really heard them and now they've become a Canada and State wide phenomenon. Toronto boys born and bred, these guys always have the crowd jumping and psyched to be in the crowd. Their unique mix of R&B, Rap and Rock&Roll make for a unique, one-of-a-kind show that will always leave your ears pleased. While their set was too short for my liking, they did a great mix of old and new songs off their albums Time to Win Vol.1 and Time to Win Vol.2. It's always a thrill to hear these guys perform live and to see the audience so wrapped up in each song. It's easy to relate to and something you don't hear every day on the radio (well except them of course). I've already seen them in Montreal this year and I'm excited to see them again whenever they come back. They are addictive, super cute and super catchy. If you haven't listened to them or have never heard of them before (I know I've got some non-Canadian readers out there) you should definitely check them out on their Facebook page to hear some music and find out more information on the band!
I always have such a great time at S.C.E.N.E. and this year was no exception. As a lover of music, outdoor festivals and being with friends, this was the perfect summer kick-off and I look forward to working with them in the future!
- T
Oh on a side note, friends and I discovered this not so appealing sticker on someone's car that stated "No Fat Chicks Allowed". Obviously we were offended but we went on about our day. Turns out someone had been just as offended and managed to peel off the "No" part. Karma's a bitch isn't it?
![]() |'s writer Jenny Ellis posing with the offensive sticker. |
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