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New Hearing Aids Campaign

I've been a horrible horrible blogger as of late and I am truly sorry for my slacking off! I've just been busy with life and considering that writing/blogging is not my job description, I kind of had to put the blog on hold...and for that I am truly sorry!!

To start things off I would like to direct you to a campaign that I am currently pushing for myself. First off, have you ever heard of No? Well it's a website where people can post their stories and basically fundraising money for their causes. In simple terms it's called crowd-funding. My campaign is focused on the fact that I need new hearing aids. As much as I don't want to come out and let the entire world know that I am in fact hearing impaired, they have become such an expensive necessity that I couldn't do it on my own. And by expensive they average (the good ones, not the ones you see on tv commercials and in Walmart's inner stores) about $6100 for the best of the best. It made your heart hurt and made you flinch just now right?! Yea, that's what I did when I officially found out the prices today.

Hearing is such an essential part of life that you really don't miss it until you actually have lost it. I have been without 30 per cent of my hearing for the better part of 21 years. You're supposed to replace them every five and I am currently going on eight - and they're showing their wear. With technology advancing and also getting smaller my hearing aids are literally falling apart and digitally aging by the day. What was once new technology in my ears in 2005, is sorely outdated in 2012.

Here's where I need your help. I am campaigning to raise $4000 by January to help me to fund new hearing aids so I can get out there and live my life. Some people may say that they'd choose blindness over hearing, but I would beg to differ. Hearing is essential to your balance, to being able to interact with people and your surroundings and it's a sense that will allow you to stay connected with the world. At least that's how I see it.

Please take a moment to read my pitch for my indiegogo campaign and pass it along. That's all I ask. If you donate I will forever be grateful and humbled by your support but I understand these are financially troubling times. Trust me, I know. But please just share it! Social Networking is such a powerful thing and if used properly, many amazing things can be accomplished!!

Thanks a million,
- T

(P.S. I know my opinion should stay neutral but to all my American readers you better get out there and vote! And vote for your future not your past. #Obama2012)


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