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Fave Picks for Warped Tour 2013 in Toronto!

I sit in my bedroom writing this as the clouds darken and the rain starts hitting the pavement. I'm listening to my "Low Key" playlist and wondering what the summer will bring. I'm not one for an action packed, never-have-time-for-everything, summer girl but I always enjoy having things to look forward too - even if it's a

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little to hot for my liking! One music festival that I've looked forward to for the past few years is Warped Tour! Toronto being the one and only Canadian stop this year around (sorry Montreal, I know you're all disappointed!), it's important for a lot of local (and not so local) pre-teens, teens, young adults and adults alike to get in line and listen to some of their favourite musicians.

I find that a lot of these bands and musicians don't get opportunities to come to Canada as often as they'd like and Warped Tour gives them the opportunity to do what would otherwise be impossible. Even bands that I love never seem to reach over the border as often as I'd like and it's part of the reason why I'm excited to see them perform onstage at Warped this year. I'm just hoping the rain decides to hold off. No offense to mother nature or anything but that torrential downpour/mini flooding of the Amphitheatre wasn't exactly the most ideal fun - but we made it work! Seems like my friends and I were even in a clip of "Warped Tour Roadies : Toronto Edition" which is kinda awesome!

Anyways, I always post bands I am excited to see and so I thought I would share with you the ones I'm most excited for and new ones that I believe would round out a fabulous day!

The Used

Photo courtesy of Hopeless Records
I really hope this rings true as I know in Warped Tours past The Used were supposed to be present in Toronto but due to Canadian Border issues, they weren't given entry into the country. I know most people look at me and probably see me as a certain music type, and they wouldn't be wrong. The thing that they don't understand is that if I like the music and the lyrics speak something to me, then I'll more than likely enjoy the band. While The Used isn't necessarily on my regular playlist, I enjoy the musical genius of Burt McCracken. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing these guys hit the stage finally.

Sleeping With Sirens

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I can give whole credit to a friend of mine for tuning me into Sleeping with Sirens. Here is another band that most people are surprised to hear that I enjoy. There's something about Kellin Quinn's voice that is captivating. The lyrics, especially in their most recent album "Feel", are meaningful and I believe a lot of people will be able to relate to what they hear. I have to say that their acoustic album (now THAT is typical of me haha) "If You were a Movie, This Would be Your Soundtrack" is probably one of my favourites. It's nice to hear the voice without a wide variety of instruments to back them up. I know that they'll obviously be focusing on their newly released album (it's amazing by the way), so I am hoping and crossing my fingers that they'll play "Feel", "Low" and "Satellites" off of their new one as well as old favourites "Tally it Up, Settle the Score", "All My Heart", and "Dead Walker Texas Ranger". Obviously this is my playlist wish but it'll be nice to see them onstage again at Warped with a little more of the SWS song knowledge!


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While I was doing Pre-Warped research back when it was my very first Warped Tour, I was pleased to come across the guys of Anarbor. My ears seriously enjoyed these guys and their unique sound. Their song "Mr. Big Shot" from their album The Words You Don't Swallow was probably one of my favourites for the longest time. In fact their whole album released in 2010. They have come to Toronto over the years but it was very few and far between. I either found out too late (usually after the fact) or I had something previously planned and couldn't attend their show. I've was thrilled when I learned they would be joining this year's tour and that it included Toronto. Anarbor's new album Burnout was newly released June 4, 2013 and I am looking forward to hearing them rock!

The City Shakeup

The City Shakeup is a band that I came across while doing this year's research. When I first heard them they reminded me of Blink 182 and my friend's former band SixXxer. As weird as it is, they're a mix of punk and rock and something else completely. I don't mean to make them sound weird or out there but it's not what I expected when I played their song "Silence" and "Fallen" on Youtube.  I look forward to hearing what they put forth on stage!

The Summer Set

Not going to lie, these guys are probably the band I'm most looking forward to seeing in Toronto. I'm truly a pop fan and these guys are the epitome of pop. Their songs are catchy, easy to relate to and so much fun to sing along to. Their newest album Legendary was just released this past spring and brings for a variety of happy-go-lucky tunes and ballads that will appeal to a wide variety of people (well...girls).  Off their new album I'm hoping I get to hear "Legendary", "Lightening in a Bottle" and "Heart on the Floor" as well as old favourites like "Must be the Music" and "Punch-Drunk Love". I can't really say anything bad about these guys and I cannot wait to hear them live once again!

Hands  Like Houses

Photo courtesy of
Here is another band I came across and look forward to hearing what they'll bring to the Warped Stage. Hands Like Houses have a rock edge to them that is appealing to my ears. This Aussie rock band (that's right ladies they're from Australia!) was formed in 2008 and have been trying to make a name for themselves ever since. I'm still getting to know their music so I'll most likely just bobbing my head along to the beat but they're definitely a band you should give a chance this year in Toronto!

Now this is only a few of what is to come at this year's Warped Tour in Toronto. There will be a ton of new music to experience, vendor's to scour and friends to meet. Last year met a tragic end so please PLEASE remember to keep hydrated, take shade when you can and take care of yourself. We are in the middle of summer my friends and the heat can and will get to you if you let it. 

If you haven't purchased your Warped Tour ticket yet don't wait to do so! You can find them on or a few should be at the box office the day of the show. You can also skip the lines if you bring 3 canned goods/a used cellphone/or $5! 


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